Marica Rebai

I am involved in the development, characterization and optimization of neutron and gamma diagnostics for fusion plasmas and spallation neutron sources. My research activity goes from the optimization of detector electronic chain, to detector calibration and data analysis. I have a deep knowledge on neutron detection by using artificial single-crystal diamonds and I’ve participated to the installation of diamond-based beam monitor at the ISIS neutron source and spectrometers at JET. I’m working in a project aimed at the demonstration of the capability of inferring the fusion power by measuring the 17 MeV gamma rays emitted by the DT reactions.
Together with the experimental development of neutron and gamma ray detectors, I have a deep knowledge on the Monte Carlo code MCNP. In fact, I’ve been involved in the design, using MCNP, of the nGEM neutron detector for the diagnostics of the D beam of SPIDER and MITICA, the ITER-NBI prototypes. I’ve also participated to the development of the Radial Gamma-Ray Spectrometers for ITER.