Francesco Taccogna

PhD in Innovative Materials Chemistry at the University of Bari in 2003; from 2003 to 2005 Marie-Curie researcher at the Max Planck Institute fur Plasmaphysik in Greifswald (Germany); since 2008 CNR researcher and since 2015 INFN associated.
Invited to discuss the results of his research at various international conferences, universities and national laboratories in Europe, USA, China and Japan. In 2009 awarded as best communication in Physics of Matter by the Italian Physics Society. He has coordinated several national projects and industrial collaborations applied to aerospace and materials sciences.
Tutor of PhD students and member of international doctoral juries, he is co-teacher of the “Plasma Physics Laboratory” course at the University of Bari. Senior Editor for IEEE-Transaction on Plasma Science, Journal of Electric Propulsion and Frontiers in Physics. Member of the International Scientific Committee of Europhysics Conference ESCAMPIG and of the International Conference MPCS. He has been involved in organizing conferences related to low temperature plasmas and is reviewer for several national research agencies.