Fulvio Auriemma

The main research activity is the study of particle and energy transport in fusion plasmas, by means of 1.5D transport codes like TRANSP and ASTRA and the development of synthetic diagnostics. The main branches are:
i.TRANSP interpretative and predictive (TGLF) analyses of JET baseline and hybrid scenarios in D, T and DT. Design of experiments for isotope effect studies. Validation of transport models against experimental data.
ii.Development of the MAxS (Multiple Axis Solver) transport code to study plasmas with magnetic islands.
iii.Transport analyses with ASTRA in Reversed Field Pinch and Stellarator in different configuration (SHAx and MH equilibria, large density range, pellet injection, etc.). Use of ASTRA+TGLF to predict DTT plasma scenarios.
iv.Development of the MonteCarlo code for neutral diffusion NENE to study the particle source and to reconstruct the PWI pattern.
v.Development of a synthetic diagnostic to study the Neutral Particle Analyzer data (spectra and TI profles)
vi.Expertise in polarimetry/interferometry: maintenance and upgrading of the RFX diagnostics and data analyses on RFX,MST (Madison, WI – USA), and TPE-RX (Tsukuba, Japan).

  • EXPERTISE Heat and Particle Transport, Intereptive and predictive Scenario modelling, Inversion procedure, Neutral diffusion
  • ROLE Researcher
  • MAIL fulvio.auriemma@istp.cnr.it
  • PHONE +39 049 829 5682
  • ISTP OFFICE Padova