
In a world increasingly facing new challenges at the forefront of plasma scientific research and technological innovation, CNR and ISTP pledge progress and achieve an impact in the integration of research into societal practices and policy

Interpretive modelling of fusion performance in JET DTE2 discharges with TRANSP

Stancar Z.; Kirov K.; Auriemma F.; Kim Hyun-Tae; Sharma R.; Lorenzini R.; Porazinski M.; Siren P.; Lerche E.; Maslov M.; Van Eester D.; Kazakov Y.; Mantica P.; Fitzgerald M.; Oliver J.; Ghani Z.; Gorelenkova M.; Poli F.M.; Litherland-Smith E.; Menmuir S.; Delabie E.; Casson F.J.; Garcia Olaya J.

Conference: 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, , Spokane, Washington, USA , 17-21 October 2022 Year: 2022
ISTP Authors:
Fulvio Auriemma
Paola Mantica

Keywords: , , ,
Research Activitie:
ID 472856
PRODUCT TYPE Conference Abstract
LAST UPDATE 2022-11-07T14:41:08Z