Federica Causa

Physics Degree, Università Statale di Milano (1993), PhD (1994-98), Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Bath (UK). She was lecturer at the University of Bath (UK) (1999-2011), awarded RAE Industrial Secondment in Bookham Technology, Caswell; Invited Professor at Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambresis (Francia); and then researcher at University of Messina (Italy), at C.R. Frascati ENEA (Italy), and presently at CNR-ISTP (since 2016). Her research interests are: Langmuir probe data analysis and electron energy distribution functions in cold plasmas, pellet ablation and deposition in plasma. During her academic carrer she has taught fundamentals of physics, electromagnetic waves, optoelectronic and photonics devices, optical fibres and telecommunications; she supervised several BSc and MSc project students, Masters and PhD theses. She collaborated in several research projects, including EU FP7 IP Solid state lighting (2009-11) in UK, and Enabling Research Project (Higher frequencies paving the way to burning plasmas) with Oxford University (2014 EUROfusion), and the development of the REIS optical plasma diagnostics with ENEA (2015-18).
Physics Degree, Università Statale di Milano (1993), PhD (1994-98), Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Bath (UK). She was lecturer at the University of Bath (UK) (1999-2011), awarded RAE Industrial Secondment in Bookham Technology, Caswell; Invited Professor at Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambresis (Francia); and then researcher at University of Messina (Italy), at C.R. Frascati ENEA (Italy), and presently at CNR-ISTP (since 2016). Her research interests are: Langmuir probe data analysis and electron energy distribution functions in cold plasmas, pellet ablation and deposition in plasma. During her academic carrer she has taught fundamentals of physics, electromagnetic waves, optoelectronic and photonics devices, optical fibres and telecommunications; she supervised several BSc and MSc project students, Masters and PhD theses. She collaborated in several research projects, including EU FP7 IP Solid state lighting (2009-11) in UK, and Enabling Research Project (Higher frequencies paving the way to burning plasmas) with Oxford University (2014 EUROfusion), and the development of the REIS optical plasma diagnostics with ENEA (2015-18).

  • EXPERTISE data analysis and simulation, Langmuir probe, material ablation and deposition, optics and photonics
  • ROLE Researcher
  • MAIL federica.causa@istp.cnr.it
  • PHONE +39 02 66173 252
  • ISTP OFFICE Milano