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Simulated effects of W dust ablation and deposition on the pedestal edge in JET D and DT experiments

Lazzaro E.; Causa F.; Gervasini G.; Ghezzi F.; Borodin D.; Borodkina I.; Douai D.; Huber A.; Pawelec E.; Solano E.; Sertoli M.; Widdowson A.

A modelling analysis is performed on JET D and DT discharges, where W dust influx across the separatrix, in the pedestal edge region may affect L-H-L mode transition. The experimental basis of the proposed approach stems from the observation that transient impurity events (TIEs) are often associated with the presence of a shower of particles seen in the camera images and with strong optical emission. If the localised source of radiation is a number of heated or ablated large dust particles, then the questions addressed here are: how far will the ablated dust material penetrate and what effect will this have on the edge of the pedestal in relevant JET D and in a high fusion yield D-T discharges. The methodology is based on the use of an upgraded version of the ballistic code DUSTTRACK and a new code PELLYTIX for dust ablation modelling. Considering a reasonable amount of dust released from the tiles, the analysis shows that the ablation-penetration depth is visible in the density profiles modification, but not disastrous for tokamak operation in high regimes.

ID 473687
DOI 10.1088/1741-4326/ac9634
PRODUCT TYPE Journal Article
LAST UPDATE 2023-07-05T10:58:01Z
TITLE Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon 2020 through a Joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium