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Rocket effect on dust particles in the tokamak SOL

Lazzaro, E.; Gervasini, G.; Ghezzi, F.; Uccello, A.; Joffrin

An accurate study of the motion of particles of variable mass and charge, in interaction with the SOL plasma, requires considering in the dynamic model, all the effects of the same order of magnitude. Here we present an extension of the conventional point-like particle model introducing a discussion of the rocket acceleration consequent to the asymmetric mass evaporation of a particle traveling in the SOL. A simplified but realistic description of the asymmetric loss of mass is constructed in analogy with the physics of comets.

ID 418791
DOI 10.1088/1402-4896/ab5ab2
PRODUCT TYPE Journal Article
LAST UPDATE 2022-04-11T15:58:12Z