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Novel aspects of cosmic ray diffusion in synthetic magnetic turbulence

Dundovic, Andrej; Pezzi, Oreste; Blasi, Pasquale; Evoli, Carmelo; Matthaeus, William H.

The diffusive motion of charged particles in synthetic magnetic turbulence with different properties is investigated by using numerical simulations with unprecedented dynamical range, which allow us to ensure that both the inertial range and the long wavelength part of the turbulent spectrum are properly described. This is of particular importance in evaluating previous suggestions that parallel and perpendicular diffusion coefficients differ in their energy dependence, an assertion at odds with the many claims of universality of the D-perpendicular to and D-parallel to as functions of particle energy. Cases with and without an ordered magnetic field are discussed. Results of the numerical simulations are compared with available theoretical models, for slab, slab/2D and isotropic turbulence. We find widespread evidence that universality is broken, and that the ratio D-perpendicular to/D-parallel to is not independent of energy. The implications of this finding for the physics of cosmic ray transport are discussed in depth.

ID 438699
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.103016
PRODUCT TYPE Journal Article
LAST UPDATE 2022-01-07T14:14:38Z