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Comparative study of halo CME arrival predictions

Yordanova E.; Dumbovic M.; Temmer M.; Scolini C.; Magdalenic J.; Thompson J.W.; Sorriso-Valvo L.; Dimmock P.A.; Rosenqvist L.

Halo coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are one of the most effective drivers of intense geomagnetic storms. Despite the recent advances in space weather forecasting, the accurate arrival prediction of halo CMEs remains a challenge. This is because in general CMEs interact with the background solar wind during their propagation in the interplanetary space. In addition, in the case of halo CMEs, the accurate estimation of their kinematics is difficult due to projection effects in the plane-of-sky.In this study, we are revisiting the arrival of twelve geoeffective Earth-directed fast halo CMEs using an empirical and a numerical approaches. For this purpose we refine the input to the Drag-based Model (DBM) and to the EUropean Heliospheric Forecasting Information Asset (EUHFORIA), which are recently available for users from the ESA Space Situational Awareness Portal (http://swe.ssa.esa.int).The DBM model has been tested using different values for the input drag parameter. On average, the predicted arrival times are confined in the range of ± 10 h. The closest arrival to the observed one has been achieved with a drag value higher than the recommended for fast CMEs. Setting a higher drag also helped to obtain a closer to the observed CME arrival speed prediction. These results suggest that the exerted solar wind drag was higher than expected. Further, we are searching for clues about the CME propagation by performing EUHFORIA runs using the same CME kinematics. Preliminary results show that both models perform poorly for CMEs that have possibly undergone CME-CME interaction, underlying again the importance of taking into account the state of the interplanetary space in the CME forecast.

ID 477978
DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14187, 2021
PRODUCT TYPE Proceeding Paper
LAST UPDATE 2023-02-14T10:49:36Z