Showing all 2 results
ERO2.0 modelling of the effects of surface roughness on molybdenum erosion and redeposition in the PSI-2 linear plasma device
Eksaeva A.; Borodin D.; Romazanov J.; Kreter A.; Pospieszczyk A.; Dickheuer S.; Möller S.; Göths B.; Rasinski M.; Knoche U.; Terra A.; Kirschner A.; Borodkina I.; Eichler M.; Unterberg B.; Brezinsek S.; Linsmeier Ch.; Vassallo E.; Pedroni M.; Passoni M.; [ Et al. ] -
Global SOLPS-ITER and ERO2.0 coupling in a linear device for the study of plasma-wall interaction in helium plasma
Alberti G.; Tonello E.; Carminati P.; Uccello A.; Bonnin X.; Romazanov J.; Brezinsek S.; Passoni M.