Paolo Barbato

I am in charge of the Communication, Control and Data Acquisition Network of the RFXMod2, MITICA and SPIDER experiments. I represent the RFX Consortium within the EDURoam international project. I am in charge of the security of external access to computing systems, of the Firewall system, of the perimeter Antivirus system. I am in charge of the e-mail system. I have designed multimedia rooms with diversified myochrophonic and video shooting solutions. As part of the Remote Collaboration between research laboratories, I have designed IT tools for sharing resources. I designed the Centralized Authentication system for password synchronization, on multi-user systems, Microsoft AD, Linux Red Hat Enterprise and CommuniGate. I designed and implemented the Strong Authentication system, based on the RSA SecurID architecture, synchronized in Cross Realm mode with the JET laboratory in Culham UK, the largest Tokamak experiment in the world. I am an expert in transmission technologies for Ethernet networks in the presence of high 1 MV voltages and 2T magnetic fields. I am expert in IEEE1588 Precise Time Protocol technology.