Showing all 4 results
Design and characterization of the polychromators for JT-60SA Thomson scattering systems
D’Isa F.A.; Davis S.; Fassina A.; Giudicotti L.; Manfredi M.; Montagnani G.; Nigro A.; Palombi L.; Ricciarini S.; Tojo H.; Verrecchia M.; Pasqualotto R. -
Hydrogen Detection Limits and Instrument Sensitivity of HighResolution Broadband Neutron Spectrometers
Scatigno, C.; Zanetti, M.; Rudic, S.; Senesi, R.; Andreani, C.; Gorini, G.; Fernandez-Alonso, F. -
Characterization and operational stability of EJ276 plastic scintillator-based detector for neutron spectroscopy
McCormack O.; Giacomelli L.; Croci G.; Muraro A.; Gorini G.; Grosso G.; Pasqualotto R.; Perelli Cippo E.; Rebai M.; Rigamonti D.; Tardocchi M. -
Conceptual design of JT-60SA edge Thomson scattering diagnostic
Pasqualotto R.; Tojo H.; Fassina A.; Giudicotti L.; Nardino V.; Oyama N.; Pelli S.; Raimondi V.; Ricciarini S.; Soare S.; Davis S.; Sozzi C.