Showing all 5 results
Excitation of elliptical and toroidal Alfven eigenmodes by(3)He-ions of the MeV-energy range in hydrogen-rich JET plasmas
Kiptily, V. G.; Kazakov, Ye.; Fitzgerald, M.; Nocente, M.; Iliasova, M.; Khilkevich, E.; Mantsinen, M. J.; Nave, M. F. F.; Ongena, J.; Sharapov, S. E.; Shevelev, A. E.; Stancar, Z.; Szepesi, G.; Taylor, D. M. A.; Yakovenko, Yu. V. -
Design and optimization of an advanced time-of-flight neutron spectrometer for deuterium plasmas of the large helical device
Zhang Y.; Ge L.; Hu Z.; Sun J.; Li X.; Ogawa K.; Isobe M.; Sangaroon S.; Liao L.; Yang D.; Gorini G.; Nocente M.; Tardocchi M.; Fan T. -
Diagnostics and control of fusion-fission hybrid tokamak-based reactors: The technology for measurement systems
Orsitto F.P.; Angelone M.; Tardocchi M. -
Final design of electrostatic probes for MITICA beam line components
Spagnolo S.; Spolaore M.; Dalla Palma M.; Pasqualotto R.; Barzon A.; Brombin M.; Franchin L.; Sartori E.; Tiso A.; Visentin M. -
Development of gamma ray spectrometer with high energy and time resolutions on EAST tokamak
Zhou, R. J.; Zhong, G. Q.; Hu, L. Q.; Tardocchi, M.; Rigamonti, D.; Giacomelli, L.; Nocente, M.; Gorini, G.; Fan, T. S.; Zhang, Y. M.; Hu, Z. M.; Xiao, M.; Li, K.; Zhang, Y. K.; Hong, B.; Zhang, Y.; Lin, [ Et al. ]