A set of components will he installed during ITER fist plasma operation to protect the vacuum vessel and other in vessel auxiliary systems from the plasma and from the stray radiation injected at the Electron Cyclotron harmonics to generate breakdown and sustain burn-through. This paper focuses on the quasi-optical design of the system of three mirrors redirecting the microwave beams coming from the Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH) upper launcher to the plasma resonance after proper shaping. In particular, the system consists of two shaped mirrors and one grating mirror. The non absorbed EC power is then intercepted and absorbed into a beam dump located in one equatorial port.
Quasi-Optical design of ECRH mirrors for ITER first plasma operations
Fanale, F.; Bruschi, A.; Darcourt, O.; Farina, D.; Figini, L.; Gandini, F.; Hernderson, M.; Hunt, R.; Moro, A.; Platania, P.; Plaum, B.
ID | 476345 |
DOI | 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2019.8874088 |
PRODUCT TYPE | Conference Proceeding |
LAST UPDATE | 2023-07-11T10:23:46Z |