Prodotti della Ricerca
Showing 1–10 of 859 results
How to improve our understanding of solar wind-magnetosphere interactions on the basis of the statistical evaluation of the energy budget in the magnetosheath?
Voros Z.; Roberts O.W.; Yordanova E.; Sorriso Valvo L.; Nakamura R.; Narita Y.; Schmid D.; Plaschke F.; Kis A. -
SPIDER on-line data visualization tool
Delogu R.S.; Poggi C.; Sartori E.; Serianni G.; Shepherd A.; Manduchi G. -
Progress on the conceptual design of the antennas for the DTT ECRH system
Fanale F.; Baiocchi B.; Bruschi A.; Busi D.; Bussolan A.; Figini L.; Garavaglia S.; Granucci G.; Romano A. -
Core integrated simulations for the Divertor Tokamak Test facility scenarios towards consistent core-pedestal-SOL modelling
Casiraghi I.; Mantica P.; Ambrosino R.; Aucone L.; Baiocchi B.; Balbinot L.; Barberis T.; Castaldo A.; Cavedon M.; Frassinetti L.; Innocente P.; Koechl F.; Nowak S.; Agostinetti P.; Ceccuzzi S.; Figini L.; Granucci G.; Vincenzi P. -
Investigations on Caesium Dispersion and Molybdenum Coating on SPIDER Components
Candela V.; Cavallini C.; Gasparrini C.; Armelao L.; Candeloro V.; Dalla Palma M.; Fadone M.; Marcuzzi D.; Pavei M.; Pepato A.; Pouradier Duteil B.; Rancan M.; Rizzolo A.; Sartori E.; Segalini B.; Serianni G.; Spolaore M.; Zorzi F.; Sonato P. -
Influence of positive ions on the beamlet optics for negative-ion neutral beam injectors
Pimazzoni, A.; Sartori, E.; Serianni, G.; Veltri, P. -
Influence of plasma parameters on the effectiveness of multi-cusp magnetic field confinement in negative ion sources
Candeloro V.; Sartori E.; Serianni G. -
Comparison among possible design solutions for the Stray Field Shielding System of the DTT Neutral Beam Injector
Veronese F.; Agostinetti P.; Calabrò G.; Crisanti F.; Fanelli P.; Lombroni R.; Murari A. -
A systematic investigation of radiation collapse for disruption avoidance and prevention on JET tokamak
Rossi R.; Gelfusa M.; Craciunescu T.; Spolladore L.; Wyss I.; Peluso E.; Vega J.; Maggi C.F.; Mailloux J.; Maslov M.; Murari A. -
Studies on high voltage dc cable connection to supply the acceleration grids of the Neutral Beam Injector for DTT
Santoro F.; Ferro A.; Murari A.; Granucci G.; Romano R.