Maria Rutigliano

Since 2001 permanent position as Researcher of CNR performing research activity in the field of Molecular Dynamics simulations, based on ab initio calculations, to investigate and characterize surface processes determined by chemical-physics interactions occurring at atomic scale between impinging species and substrate. She has held positions of responsibility of projects and small research groups , in addition to the activity of supervisor for research grants and master’s degree thesis.
Before joining the CNR, T.D. Researcher at the C.R. ENEA of Portici, where collaborated in the theoretical-computational and experimental research activity for the investigation of the polycrystalline silicon re-crystallization process by excimer laser. The training activity has been oriented both on the aspect related to the development, implementation and optimization of “home-made” numerical codes and software and on the use of commercial packages (Gaussian, NWchem, QuantumEspresso, CRYSTAL), as well as on to the deepening of topics such as catalysis, solid state chemical-physics and materials.