In NIO1, a compact H- ion source installed at RFX operated in continuous mode, gas conditioning was needed to improve results in Cs-free regimes (up to a current density about 25 or 30 A/m2). Installation of a cesium oven gave an additional increase of current, progressively limited also by a rapid overcesiation: we observed an average density about 50 A/m2 (with a peak of 67 A/m2). Obtained beam optics is briefly compared with simulations and previous results in the Cs-free regime in similar conditions (as source voltage, often set below or equal 11 kV). In both regimes, central beamlet apparent density is larger, possibly because of a narrow bias plate mask, now enlarged. Further improvements for Cs-based regime include a moderate oven reservoir temperature, careful tuning and a substantial increase of beam voltage, and power handling capability.
The H- multiaperture source NIO1: gas conditioning and first cesiations
Barbisan M.; Cavenago M.; Delogu R.S.; Pimazzoni A.; Poggi C.; Ugoletti M.; Variale V.; Antoni V.; Ravarotto D.; Serianni G.; Baltador C.; Franchin L.; Minarello A.; Martini D.; Maniero M.; Rizzieri R.; Romanato L.; Rossetto F.; Taccogna F.
ID | 466754 |
DOI | 10.1088/1742-6596/2244/1/012052 |
PRODUCT TYPE | Journal Article |
LAST UPDATE | 2023-04-13T17:25:37Z |
TITLE | Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon 2020 through a Joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium |