
In a world increasingly facing new challenges at the forefront of plasma scientific research and technological innovation, CNR and ISTP pledge progress and achieve an impact in the integration of research into societal practices and policy

The Evolution of Turbulence in the Inner Heliosphere: Insights from the February 2022 Radial Alignment between Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter

Stawarz J.E.; Woodham L.; Laker R.; Matteini L.; Horbury T.; Wolley T.; Bale S.; Perrone D.; Toledo-Redondo S.; Sorriso-Valvo L.; D’Amicis R.; Rivera Y.; Paulson K.

The solar wind is filled with complex turbulent dynamics that transfer energy from large length scales to progressively smaller scales. This transfer of energy generates a multitude of thin structures, such as current sheets, in the plasma with a preference for forming particularly strong gradients – a property know as intermittency – that are thought to play a role in turbulent dissipation. One of the important problems in the study of solar wind turbulence is understanding how and to what extent the nature of the turbulent dynamics vary as the solar wind expands from the Sun. However, disentangling the dynamical evolution of the turbulence from variations in the properties of different solar wind streams and temporal variations in the source region of a given stream has traditionally been challenging in the solar wind. We make use of a fortuitous alignment between NASA’s Parker Solar Probe and ESA’s Solar Orbiter spacecraft, which occurred at the end of February 2022, to examine how the turbulent fluctuations in the solar wind evolve with radial distance. During this radial alignment the two spacecraft observed the same stream of solar wind plasma, and potentially nearly the same parcel of plasma, at two different radial distances allowing us to separate the evolution with radial distance from the other sources of variability. We explore both the statistical properties of the fluctuations as well as the nature of the most intermittent structures observed by the spacecraft at different length scales in the plasma. The results demonstrate that, while the intermittent fluctuations in the components perpendicular to the radial direction are statistically similar at different radial distances, the intermittency properties in the radial direction can significantly change with distance. Comparisons of the observational results with expanding box simulations of turbulence suggest that some of the key features observed are consistent with the dynamical evolution of spherically polarised Alfvénic fluctuations under the influence of expansion.

ID 478886
DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12288
PRODUCT TYPE Proceeding Paper
LAST UPDATE 2023-03-09T11:30:41Z