Fusion-fission hybrid reactors are seen as a possible, mid-term, CO2-free energy source. Starting from the progress in understanding the reversed field pinch plasma confinement, a pilot neutron source with a configuration of R = 4 m and a = 0.8 m and a plasma current of up to 14 mega-ampére (MA) is proposed. A staged experimental approach, with increased complexity and investment, was identified to tackle the existing issues related to scientific and technological aspects and to test the D-T operation at reduced fusion power (P_fus 30 MW, Q 0.4, continuous pulsed operation).
Status and Perspectives of a Reversed Field Pinch as a Pilot Neutron Source
Piovan Roberto; Agostinetti Piero; Bustreo Chiara; Cavazzana Roberto; Escande Dominique; Gaio Elena; Lunardon Francesco; Maistrello Alberto; Puiatti Maria Ester; Valisa Marco; Zollino Giuseppe; Zuin Matteo
ID | 423500 |
DOI | 10.1109/TPS.2019.2957888 |
PRODUCT TYPE | Journal Article |
LAST UPDATE | 2022-11-16T10:48:57Z |
TITLE | Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon 2020 through a Joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium |