
In a world increasingly facing new challenges at the forefront of plasma scientific research and technological innovation, CNR and ISTP pledge progress and achieve an impact in the integration of research into societal practices and policy

Scenario modelling for the Divertor Tokamak Test facility

Casiraghi I.; Mantica P.; Ambrosino R.; Aucone L.; Baiocchi B.; Balbinot L.; Castaldo A.; Citrin J.; Frassinetti L.; Innocente P.; Koechl f.; Mariani A.; Agostinetti P.; Ceccuzzi S.; Figini L.; Granucci G.; Valisa M.

The scenario integrated modelling is a top priority work during the design of a new tokamak, as the Divertor Tokamak Test facility (DTT) under construction at the ENEA Research Center in Frascati. The first simulations of the main baseline scenarios contributed to the optimization of the DTT project, particularly with regard to the machine size and heating systems, besides serving as reference for diagnostics design. In this paper we report the first simulations of the full power baseline scenario in the final configuration of the machine and heating mix.

ID 470244
DOI 10.1393/ncc/i2022-22162-0
PRODUCT TYPE Journal Article
LAST UPDATE 2023-07-03T09:38:29Z