Biochar-based fertilizers are a new attractive alternative to P supplementation for crops, as they can gradually release the nutrient, avoiding losses and improving soil quality. In this regard, the evaluation of the P amount in biochar-based fertilizers is extremely important for their quality control. Analytical techniques that require sample solubilization are not very efficient for this task, as biochar is difficult to solubilize. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a promising technique to respond to this demand, as it enables a direct analysis of solid samples, avoiding the complicated process of sample solubilization. In this work, a novel method based on spark discharge (SD) coupled to LIBS was evaluated for P determination in biochar-based fertilizers prepared from three different biomasses. To overcome calibration problems in LIBS analysis, a matrix-matching procedure accomplished by the addition of eucalyptus biochar to calibration standards was used in experiments. This procedure minimized matrix effects and allowed us to achieve a satisfactory accuracy even when applied to similar but different matrices. Furthermore, the developed method is simple, fast, direct, does not generate post-analysis residues and appears appropriate for the quality control of sustainable biochar-based fertilizers and other biochar products.
Phosphorous Determination in Biochar-Based Fertilizers by Spark Discharge-Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Rodrigues Dib S.; Senesi G.S.; Anchieta Gomes Neto J.; Ribeiro C.A.; Ferreira E.C.
ID | 460275 |
DOI | 10.3390/ chemosensors9120337 |
PRODUCT TYPE | Journal Article |
LAST UPDATE | 2022-04-11T16:09:41Z |