
In a world increasingly facing new challenges at the forefront of plasma scientific research and technological innovation, CNR and ISTP pledge progress and achieve an impact in the integration of research into societal practices and policy

H-mode plasmas in the pre-fusion power operation 1 phase of the ITER research plan

Loarte A.; Polevoi A.R.; Schneider M.; Pinches S.D.; Fable E.; Militello Asp E.; Baranov Y.; Casson F.; Corrigan G.; Garzotti L.; Harting D.; Knight P.; Koechl F.; Parail V.; Farina D.; Figini L.; Nordman H.; Strand P.; Sartori R.

The optimum conditions for access to and sustainment of H-mode plasmas and their expected plasma parameters in the pre-fusion power operation 1 (PFPO-1) phase of the ITER research plan, where the additional plasma heating will be provided by 20 MW of electron cyclotron heating, are assessed in order to identify key open R&D issues. The assessment is performed on the basis of empirical and physics-based scalings derived from present experiments and integrated modelling of these plasmas including a range of first-principle transport models for the core plasma. The predictions of the integrated modelling of ITER H-mode plasmas are compared with ITER-relevant experiments carried out at JET (low-collisionality high-current H modes) and ASDEX Upgrade (significant electron heating) for both global H-mode properties and scale lengths of density and temperature profiles finding reasonable agreement. Specific integration issues of the PFPO-1 H-mode plasma scenarios are discussed taking into account the impact of the specificities of the ITER tokamak design (level of ripple, etc).

ID 460679
DOI 10.1088/1741-4326/abfb13
PRODUCT TYPE Journal Article
LAST UPDATE 2022-04-11
TITLE Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon 2020 through a Joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium